The Guild of the Blessed Sacrament

Members of this guild serve by taking on the historic roles of Deacon and Subdeacon. They have key roles preparing the altar, serving communion and cleaning up afterwards. During the service, the Deacon also reads the Gospel and, at the end of the service, dismisses the people back into the world to love and serve. The Subdeacon is in charge of the Missal, the book in which the service is printed. The Subdeacon guides the Celebrant through the service and also leads the Prayers of the People. Both these roles can be traced back to the early Church. The members of the Guild of the Blessed Sacrament are crucial to worship at St. Timothy’s.

Altar Guild

The members of the Altar Guild prepare vessels for all services, working in teams, and clean up after all services. The Altar Guild also arranges the flowers each Sunday. They decorate the church facilities, and take care of furnishings and vestments, changing them to reflect the church year.


Praise & Worhip 

Praise & Worship, or “P & W”, known previously as the “Saturday Night Healing Service” or SNHS, grew out of a St. Timothy's Prayer group in 1993, and has seen many changes over the years.  P & W is a less formal, more intimate service, where more contemporary songs are sung. Individuals are invited to openly share how God is working in their lives, realising that the struggles we face are not unique, but shared among all people.  Anointing with Holy Oil is available, as well as prayer with a prayer partner if you so desire.  We also take time to explore and discover God's word through our chosen theme each year.  

What should you expect when you attend this service?  You will encounter a few enthusiastic vocalists, an electronic keyboardist, a guitar player, and a living God who conducts, fills and inspires the groups' interpretation of contemporary praise songs, hymns and chants.  Each piece of music is blended with old fashion creativity, multimedia gadgets, and an unfailing trust that the Lord always delivers.  People are always amazed at God’s handiwork in the midst of these services!  

Has God gifted you with the ability to play an instrument, or given you a voice to sing?  Come and join us.  We meet for worship on the 4th Saturday of each month beginning at 5:30 PM -September through July. All faiths and denominations are welcome, bring a friend and come and meet the living God!  


Music Ministry

The Choir

Supporting the singers in the congregation are the volunteer members of St. Timothy's mixed-voice SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) choir. In addition to leading the hymns and supporting the sung parts of the liturgy, the choir presents a musical offering each week. The repertoire is wide-ranging, including traditional English anthems, gospel music, and modern compositions. If you enjoy singing and revel in the fun and camaraderie of belonging to a musical group, then the choir is the place for you. It's much easier to sing in a group than alone. No formal musical training is required. You'll learn everything you need to know at choir rehearsal. If you'd like to give it a try, please join us any Thursday evening at 8 pm in the south transept of the church and see what you think!

How do I join the Choir? (CLICK HERE)

Why should I sing? (CLICK HERE)

The High School Choral Scholars

The St. Timothy’s High School Choral Scholar program, founded in 2006, provides performance experience and training for young pre-professional singers in a choral setting. The scholars provide support to the choir and provide congregational leadership at the Sunday 10 am service. If you’re interested in becoming a choral scholar, please contact the Music Director for further information.

Instrumental Musicians

If you play a musical instrument, please share your gift with your fellow worshipers at St. Timothy's. Visiting musicians rave about our church's superb acoustics and our especially appreciative and supportive parishioners. If you'd like to play something on the piano or the organ, or to bring your own instrument, please reach out to the Music Director and we'll create a suitable opportunity at an upcoming 10 am service. Young people studying music at school or taking private lessons are especially encouraged to contribute. You can play a solo, a group of friends can form an ensemble, or the Music Director can accompany you. We also could seek out some choral music that features your particular instrument, allowing you to help accompany the Choir's musical offering.

Readers’ Guild

Readers are called upon each Sunday to read the first and second lessons, from the Old and New Testaments, respectively, to the congregation. Membership is open to all ages, and training is provided. Please contact us if you feel called to this ministry.

Servers’ Guild

Servers assist the celebrant in the worship of God. Servers perform a variety of tasks, from carrying the cross to censing the altar, from accepting the offertory gifts to washing the priest’s hands. It is a ministry of humility, yet a source of deep pride for all those who undertake it.

Most servers are teenagers, but younger children and adults round out its makeup. Anyone interested in helping around the altar is encouraged to contact the guild.

The Sidespersons

The Sidespersons provide assistance to the clergy in the safe and orderly conduct of services and assist the congregation in their worship experience. The visible duties of the sides-persons are: distribution of bulletins, accompanying worshipers to the pews in the nave, counting the worshipers, collecting the offering and ushering at communion. However, there are additional duties of which many may not be aware. They check that the lighting, sound system, fans and other facilities are ready. They may distribute the red prayer books, and welcome worshipers. They must be aware of anyone needing assistance, such as operating the lift. In the case of St. Timothy’s, the sidespersons also arrange for the delivery of the flowers to shut-ins, or those on the flower distribution list.

On most Sundays, with two services, six persons are needed. During the past year, over thirty individuals have served regularly and another dozen have assisted at special events. If you feel called to assist in this ministry, please contact us at our office!

Welcome Committee

This group of our community serve to welcome all those who come to worship with us at the 8:00, and 10:00am Sunday services.  You will most often find them at our doorways near the entrance to the worship space and are ready to lend a hand, especially to newcomers.

They also extend their hospitality to ‘coffee hour’, preparing coffee, tea, juices as well as snacks to foster fellowship following the 10:00am services.

For more information, or if you wish to help, please contact the office for more information.