
At St. Timothy’s the Churchwardens, together with the Incumbent and assisted by the Treasurer, form the Corporation. They are the legal entity of the parish responsible for the leadership of the congregation and the governance of the church.

The Incumbent determines and directs all spiritual matters such as worship, pastoral care and education. She appoints a Rector’s Warden and a Deputy Rector’s Warden, who represent the Incumbent’s interests. A People’s Warden and Deputy Warden are elected at Vestry, the annual church meeting, by the people of the congregation to represent them in the decision making process. The Wardens oversee the non-spiritual interests of the parish such as finance, property and administration. Church Wardens specific duties are outlined in the Canons of the church. They, after consultation with the Incumbent, appoint the sexton, organist, vestry clerk, and treasurer. At St. Timothy’s they serve a two year term with half of the team changing each year. Since they work on your behalf, your input is always welcome.

Your present team consists of:

  • Octavia Leacock, Rector’s Warden
  • Janet Jones, People’s Warden
  • Erwin Harris, Deputy Warden
  • Rhonda Yearwood, Deputy Warden


Advisory Board

The all-important task of the Advisory Board is to be “the eyes and ears” of the parish i.e. advising Corporation, reviewing the Treasurer’s financial statements and serving as a clearing house of information.  Members represent a cross-section of the congregation with some elected by the people and some appointed by the Incumbent.

The current Chair of Advisory is Peter Saarimaki.


The Treasurer oversees the financial administration of the church.  He or she reviews financial procedures and reports and advises the board on strategy and fundraising.

The current treasurer is Frank Greco

Disbursements Officer

The disbursements officer issues cheques as payments for Corporation/Warden approved purchases and services rendered to the church.

The present officer is Jie Zhou.


Envelope Secretary

The envelope secretary answers queries regarding givings, enters into the system monies received from the congregation and dispenses receipts at year end.

The current secretary is Penny Laity.


PAR Programme

PAR stands for Pre-Authorized Remittance which is an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account to support St. Timothy’s needs.  Usually administered by the Envelope Secretary.