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Say “Yes!” to Kids Sunday with Holy Baptism

June 2nd, 2024


10 AM CHORAL EUCHARIST (online available)

Join us for live worship @ 10 am (Click here!



  • Today is a very special Sunday:  Our Service this morning will highlight the love, gifts and service our children offer as members of this church.  Say Yes! To Kids itself is a nationwide effort to create a sustainable, abundant source of funding for youth-focused initiatives across the Anglican Church of Canada.  The goal is to grow a brighter future for young people.  Today, 10% of our church offering will be directed to the Scarborough Deanery’s Ignite Program for the ongoing discipling of our community youth!  So, please give generously and joyfully.
  • Following our service and welcome of Jayanna as the newest member of the household of God, we are all welcome to enjoy a BBQ and time of fellowship on the lawn outside the church. Be sure to stick around for this time of laughter, games, good food and sunshine.
  • Our thanks to everyone who supported the Outreach Walkathon at Milliken Park yesterday by walking and or raising funds for the Wednesday Breakfast.  About 20 gathered on an absolutely beautiful day to walk for the vulnerable in our community.  Stay tuned for news and pictures from this event in your upcoming E-blast.
  • Be sure to mark your calendars for the Prayer Breakfast on Saturday June 22nd by our Senior's Advocacy Committee. Everyone is welcome to come for breakfast, prayer and a dynamic talk by guest speaker Tara Steele, who is a therapeutic fitness professional with a focus on older adults!