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Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 9th, 2024


10 AM CHORAL EUCHARIST (online available)

Join us for live worship @ 10 am (Click here!)



  • A BIG “SHOUT OUT!” to Xavier and her team of volunteers (including the Men’s Workshop!) for hosting such a spectaular parish BBQ & Picnic on Sunday, despite the rain! What fun we had supporting and encouraging our kids to serve, read and dance during the service- and then enjoying fellowship together in Walker Hall. Thanks to all who contributed and attended!

  • PRAYER BREAKFAST: Mark you calendars for Saturday June 22nd for a Prayer Breakfast hosted by St. Timothy's Senior's Advocacy Committee. Join us for prayer and fellowship and guest speaker Tara A. Steele, therapeutic fitness professional with a focus on older adults. Contact the office to register!

  • A special thank you to all who gathered for the Outreach Walkathon last Saturday at Milliken Park!  We had sunny, beautiful weather, and enjoyed some good exercise and a great time of fellowship afterward.  For all who walked and donated to our Outreach Walkathon to provide a hearty breakfast to the vulnerable in our community- thank you for your generosity and support!